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~ Thebes-West - Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut ~
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Theben-West  mortual temple of Hatshepsut Hatschepsut was one of the most interesting female figures and most capable Pharohs of Egyptian history (1490-1468 BC), so our visit to her 3,500 year old  mortual temple in the Valley of Kings (Thebes West) was in many respects a quite special experience. 

HatschepsutHatschepsut was the daughter of Thutmosis1 (18th dynasty), but in those days was, as a woman, excluded from the succession to the throne. However, she still managed to rule over the most powerful and advanced civilization in the world for 22 years (1490-1468 BC). When her father died, her half brother ascended the throne and she came to power as the " King's Great Wife", a common practice in ancient Egypt. After his early death, the Queen Dowager reigned over the country as guardian for her stepson and successor to the throne Thutmosis III, who was a minor and the son of a lesser wife. 2 years later Hatshepsut declared herself Pharoh. She legitimized her authority by announcing that God Amun himself had procreated her and called herself " King of Upper and lower Egypt". 
During her peaceful regency, partly in joint rule with Thutmosis III., she led the new kingdom to its highest display of power and created monumental buildings, which even today proclaim her glory, for example, the highest of all obelisks still standing in Eygpt today (Karnak) or the unique terrace temple in Deir el-Bahari (Thebes West). 

Theben West mortual temple Hatschepsutmortual temple Hatschepsut - statuesIn perfect harmony with nature the temple nestles against a 280m high wall of rock. The temple rises in three terraces, which are elaborately decorated with a hypostyle  hall, pillars, statues and reliefs. The different levels are connected by a series of ramps.In the southern colonnade are the famous scenes of Hatchepsut's trading expedition to the fabulous land of Punt. The magnificent reliefs give a detailed description of this mysterious country, its fauna, flora, people and culture. The pictures of Deir el-Bahari are probably the oldest and most realistic representations of ancient east Africa in existence. Most of Hatshepsut's buildings are the work of her ingenious architect and confidant, Senenmut, to whom she entrusted the highest public offices.

Tempel court
temple Hatshepsut fresco expedition to Punt
expedition to Punt

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