Germany - traditional art
~ making bobbin lace ~

bobbin lace stamps ErzgebirgeThe traditional art of making bobbin lace has a long history and is very typical for the southern region of Saxony, the "Erzgebirge". Interesting to see the stamps to the left.
It spread over Germany in the 16th century. In the 19th century a "Royal Saxon bobbin lace school" was founded in Schneeberg to educate teachers and designers. There one also developed a special lace which became famous under the name "Lace of Schneeberg" 

Making bobbin lace is a very elaborate technik which demands some skill and experience. Unfortunately most of people would not pay an adequate price and prefer machine-made products. Thus this traditional art mainly survives as a family tradition and hobby.
Read more about this amazing technik and the historical background....

making bobbin lace
making lace
The continuos swap of the wooden bobbins makes special noises, which create a homy atmosphere
making bobbin lace school
bobbin lace school - cultivating traditional art

A dream of lace -
aren't these enchanting elaborate works?
the middle picture shows a table in our home
making bobbin lace 1 making bobbin lace 2 making-bobbin lace 3

Kloeppelschule Erzgebirge  

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